A video captured by the official YouTube channel of the Subaru telescope, managed by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, has been making the rounds on the internet. The video shows a mysterious spiral light in the sky above Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
The video was captured by the Subaru-Asahi STAR camera, which is managed by both NAOJ (Subaru Telescope) and Asahi Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper company. In the YouTube post, the team writes, “A truly unusual sight! Do you have any ideas about what this could be? Our amazed viewers have discovered this rare event.”
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) claims that the spiral light is actually frozen rocket fuel that was released during a SpaceX launch. However, their explanation is not widely accepted, as similar spirals have been observed in Scandinavia before the existence of SpaceX (in Dec. 2009.)

The video has sparked a lot of interest and speculation among internet users. Some people believe that it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
One user wrote, “OMG, Andromeda has arrived 4 billion years early!!” Another commented, “Hey Elon Musk, is this you or the aliens?”
What do you think this spiral light phenomenon could be?
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